Water services for private households

véwater wants to make access to clean and reliable water available to everyone. We help local communities on their journey towards development by providing access to water a a readily available and affordable service – with the potential to expand and provide individual households with safe and reliable water in their own homes!

Through close collaboration with our partners, véwater can provide services in otherwise underserved parts of the world. Now local communities in any corner of the world can benefit from previously unavailable services and take the first step towards creating a sustainable future!

Easy access to clean water

Véwater can provide households with both filtered domestic water and highly cleansed drinking water.

Our drinking water is processed through reverse osmosis technology – a process which is able to cleanse polluted water and salt-water as well as re-use water in places where resources are scarce.

The systems are fitted inside a standard 20-foot container and equipped with water kiosks, making it east to set up and install anywhere. The containers and water kiosks are designed to become integrated into the local environment and provide a comfortable and safe communal space.

Want to know more?

Please feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you out.